black and white bed linen


Berkarya Dengan Ilmu Akan Membawa Kebaikan

Visi dan Visi

Visi: Menjadi mitra Pemerintah dan Masyarakat dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia.


  • Bekerjasama dengan Pemerintah dalam meningkatkan kualitas kepala Sekolah.

  • Menyelenggarakan penelitian di bidang pendidikan.

  • Mengadakan pelatihan untuk guru dan kepala sekolah.

  • Melakukan pengabdian masyarakat.

A classroom filled with students wearing matching red and black uniforms. They sit at wooden desks, facing forward, with a few students engaging in conversation. The room has a colorful geometric-patterned wall that displays 'IPA 3' in bold letters. Several small potted plants hang from the ceiling and around the windows, adding greenery to the space. Light streams in through large windows on one side, illuminating the students.
A classroom filled with students wearing matching red and black uniforms. They sit at wooden desks, facing forward, with a few students engaging in conversation. The room has a colorful geometric-patterned wall that displays 'IPA 3' in bold letters. Several small potted plants hang from the ceiling and around the windows, adding greenery to the space. Light streams in through large windows on one side, illuminating the students.

Program Kegiatan

A poster is pasted on a rough, beige wall. The text on the poster is in Italian, emphasizing the importance of social interaction and relationships in education. It calls for more open schools with additional teachers and classrooms, and ends with a hashtag.
A poster is pasted on a rough, beige wall. The text on the poster is in Italian, emphasizing the importance of social interaction and relationships in education. It calls for more open schools with additional teachers and classrooms, and ends with a hashtag.

Research and Development

(R&D) adalah proses yang dilakukan oleh organisasi untuk menciptakan penemuan baru atau meningkatkan produk dan layanan yang sudah ada.

A group of young children sits at wooden desks in a classroom setting, with a teacher assisting them. The children are engaged in writing or drawing activities, wearing clothing typical of an earlier era. The teacher leans over to help some of the children, indicating an interactive and attentive learning environment. The room has a minimalist design with a blackboard and simple furniture.
A group of young children sits at wooden desks in a classroom setting, with a teacher assisting them. The children are engaged in writing or drawing activities, wearing clothing typical of an earlier era. The teacher leans over to help some of the children, indicating an interactive and attentive learning environment. The room has a minimalist design with a blackboard and simple furniture.

Konsultasi Pendidikan

adalah layanan yang memberikan bantuan dan saran kepada individu atau institusi terkait masalah pendidikan.

Struktur Organisasi

Kami menyediakan pelatihan dan penelitian untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia secara berkelanjutan.

Direktur Jaringan Mutu Pendidikan

Dr. Lukman Hakim, S.Pd, MM,M.Pd.


Prof. Dr. Ing. Soewarto Hardhienata.

Dr. Harti Suprihatin S.Pd M.Pd


Iswadi, S.Pd, M.Pd.

Kontak Kami

Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia dan pelatihan yang kami tawarkan.


